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Transformation Challenge Week 5: How to lose up to 10lbs in 3 days Part II

Hey there,

It's me again.

From the last post the main focus was establishing the simple rule “fat loss will only happen if you are in a state of sustained caloric deficit”. As we know it can be very frustrating working out hard and eating “clean” but seeing no changes on the scale or in body fat.

As we said, the guaranteed way to ensure you are in a caloric deficit is to be on a structured eating plan where you know for sure you are not eating in excess of your daily requirements.

Now that we have that out the way, the first diet we will use is a 3-day diet to ignite the fat loss process. This diet ensures we are in a caloric deficit regardless of your current eating habits. It worked out perfectly that this week is a holiday week and most of us will be making poor food and drink choices until Tuesday. So this diet will run from Wednesday the 5th of July to Friday the 7th of July.

For the record, I’ve done this diet myself and will tell you upfront, it will not be easy to finish. But this will also allow you to answer the question: Are you really willing to do what it takes to lose weight and transform your body?

Step 1: The grocery list

Below are the items you will be consuming on the 3 days of this diet.

A loaf of whole wheat bread

A Grapefruit

Natural Peanut Butter

2 Cans of Tuna

Half Dozen eggs

3 bananas

Reduced sugar or low fat vanilla Ice cream (try halo top)

Salt free saltine crackers

Pre sliced cheddar cheese

2 small apples

3-ounce piece of any meat

1 Cup of fresh green beans

Broccoli (the steam bags are the easiest)

Carrots (the steam bags are the easiest)

Coffee or tea of your choice (must contain caffeine)

1 cup of Cottage cheese (you can use plain Greek yogurt)


Step 2: Track beginning state

Record your weight on the night of 4th of July

Take pictures (front, side, back)

Step 3: The Diet

DAY 1:



1/2 Grapefruit

1 Slice of toast

2 Tablespoons of peanut butter

1 plain tasteless bittercup of black coffee or tea ( with caffeine)


1/2 cup of tuna ( the whole 4 oz can)

1 Slice of toast

1 plain tasteless bittercup of black coffee or tea ( with caffeine)


Dinner ( The best dinner you will have in the 3 days)



3 ounces of any meant ( use thyme, pepper, MS dash seasoning salt, fresh garlic, parsley to season,) ( guys can have a 4 ounce piece of meat as a 100 calorie add on )

1 cup of green beans

1/2 banana

1 small apple

1 cup of vanilla ice cream


If you have survived welcome to...



 1 Egg

1 Slice of plain toast

1/2 banana



1 Cup of cottage cheese ( or approved substitute)

1 hard boiled egg

5 saltine crackers




2 hot dogs ( 3 if you're a guy as an added 100 calorie bonus, try to get turkey hot dogs they are only 70 calories)

1 Cup of broccoli

1/2 cup of carrots

1/2 banana

1/2 cup of ice cream

Don't quit now!! You've already consumed that terrible dinner let's finish strong





5 saltine crackers

1 slice of cheddar cheese

1 small apple



1 hard boiled egg ( or scrambled basically however you like to eat eggs make them that way)

1 slice of toast



1 cup of tuna

1/2 banana

1 cup of ice cream

If you are still hungry after this just go to bed!!! Lol no need to ruin what you've done in 3 days

Step 4: Track your results

Weight yourself immediately you wake up on Saturday July 8th.

Take pictures (front, side, back)

Step 5: Feedback

Let me know how it went for you. The good, the bad, the ugly: Did you lose any weight? What were the challenging parts? Were you able to finish? Etc.


Please note: we are only doing this for 3 days. I wouldn't advice you to utilize this as your primary diet. However, it’s a good tool to have in your secret box to utilize if you have a short time to lose some extra pounds.


•       If you don't want to do the ice cream, you can eat and additional piece of meat

•       Sip water throughout the day ( flavor your waters with lemon and different fruit and herbs)

•       Since you will have minimal energy on this diet, try to keep your workout to a minimum