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Transformation Challenge Week 6 - 8 Part 2: The perfect balance between eating right and training smart


I'm back with more goodies. These next 3 weeks will be a game changer for your transformation if you stick with it. Here you have the tools for guaranteed success.

Now that we are done with that extreme 3-day diet, it’s time to do something more sustainable that we can apply for the rest of our lives.

The idea here is once you’ve taken off the first several pounds, then just combine good nutritional principles with regular exercise and watch the transformation happen.

* The great thing about this phase is it can pertain to any goal. Whether your goal is weight loss or muscle gain, you just have to adjust some variables but the same principles apply.

But of course, we are still going to start with nutrition (better eating).

Step 1: We need to know how much we need to be eating

•       Download “myfitnesspal” app if you don’t already have it


•       Create an account and enter your information

•       It will give you a calorie goal for the goal you enter

Once you have that number it makes your fitness journey extremely simple and intuitive.

It also gives you full accountability of your goals, you can no longer say “I don’t know” or make any other excuse.

If you want to lose weight and you are eating more than the calorie goal stated, you will not lose any weight and most likely gain weight. Same goes for muscle gain, if you are not eating enough.

Step 2: We need to know what we should be eating

I know we’ve all heard about Macronutrients and Micronutrients, but what are they?

Our bodies are pretty complicated, meaning that they have a whole lot of nutritional needs in order to survive and function. The composition of our diet is essential to meeting these needs and therefore it’s important to understand the two different types of nutrients. It can be split into: macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals).

The three macronutrients all have their own specific roles and functions in the body and supply us with calories or energy. 

Good sources of Macronutrients

Protein: Meat, Fish, Chicken, Beans, pulses and legumes, seeds (hemp, chia, flax), nuts (unsalted), quinoa, avocado, beets, raw greens (kale, spinach).

Carbohydrate: Rice, quinoa, potatoes, apples, bananas, cauliflower, carrots, oats, brown rice, millet, quinoa, chickpeas, kidney beans.

Fat: Almonds, walnuts, seeds (pumpkin, chia), olives, avocados

Micronutrients are not needed in the same quantities as macros, however are still equally as important. Micronutrients work in tandem with macronutrients to keep the body functioning and are crucial in order to maintain energy levels, metabolism, cellular function, and physical and mental wellbeing.

Step 3: Portion Control; how much of each nutrient do we need?

Here are several options to help you visualize how much you should be eating of your macro and micronutrients.


Step 4: The workouts

Here we have the training to accompany this phase of your transformation.  The cardio burns calories, but the resistance training helps you lose fat. Regular exercise at the very least helps keep you from gaining fat.

3 days a week + 1 optional day

One day break between training days

Day 1: Upper Body

1. PUSH UP VARIATION – to failure

2. RENEGADE ROWS – 15 reps each arm

3. LATERAL RAISES variation (dumbbell, bands, cables) – 15 reps

4. FRONT RAISES variation (dumbbell, plates, bands, cables)   – 15 reps

5. STANDING ARNOLD PRESS (kettle bell or dumbbell)– 15 reps

*Perform exercises in circuit fashion with 30 seconds between each exercise if needed.

*Take a 60 second break

* Select an appropriate weight that provides a challenge (easy doesn’t create change)

*Complete 4rounds

Day 2: Cardio & Core

EMOM (which stands for every minute on the minute) is a type of interval workout where you perform a specific task at the start of every minute for a set amount of time. Whatever time is left on the clock after you perform the set number of reps is your break till the next minute hits.

Minute 1: 10 burpees

Minute 2: 12 box jumps or tuck jumps

Minute 3: 40 jumping Jacks

7 rounds total

AB Circuit

  • Heels to heaven
  • Crossover crunch
  • Toe touches
  • Bird dogs

30 seconds each exercise

3 rounds

 Day 3: Lower body

1.     Squat Press Variation (Dumbbell, Kettlebell, or barbell)  -15 reps

2.     Lunge curl – 15 reps each leg

3.     Lateral lunge + Knee raise – 15 reps each leg

4.     Squat + Hammer curl – 15 reps

5.     Jump jack press – 15 reps

*Perform exercises in circuit fashion with 30 seconds between each exercise if needed.

*Take a 60 second break

* Select an appropriate weight that provides a challenge (easy doesn’t create change)

*Complete 4rounds

Day 4: Repeat Cardio

Now lets go get some amazing result!!!

Have a wonderful day, 
