OwnPace Athletics

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Get guaranteed results now!!! PHASE 1: Elimination and Preparation.


Congratulations on taking the next step in achieving your health and fitness goals. There are a lot of programs, diets, teas, pills and equipment out there that claim to guarantee results, however we still have a high number of overweight and unhealthy people, so there has to be a disconnect somewhere.

The truth is, it is almost impossible to guarantee results because there are so many variables such as body type, nutrition, training preference, water intake, sleep, genetics etc. However, over the last couple of years, I’ve researched and tested the metrics and habits that make the most impact on achieving your goals and I’ve come up with a process to guarantee your results. Unfortunately, I have nothing to sell you, no magic pill or equipment and you don’t even have to train with me personally because,


For the most part we all have a basic idea of what we need to do to accomplish our goals and one of the 5 things mentioned above is keeping us from achieving them.

So how can I guarantee your results? It’s really just a one-word answer.

Tracking, tracking and more tracking!!!

At OwnPace everything we do is individualized, so the only way to truly know what works for you is to track what you are doing on a daily basis and see how it impacts your goals. Do your daily habits positively or negatively affect your goals. For example if you are trying to lose body fat and you drink (3) beers a day, the question now would be will eliminating these (3) beers help lose weight or not. And the only way to truly know the answer to that is to track the difference between not drinking and drinking. That is how all theories and beliefs come to life. You have an idea (hypothesis), then you test them out and they become either true or not true. In health and fitness it’s a little more complicated because there are just way too many variables so ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL. We have to learn together what specifically works for you.

Tracking doesn’t lie, if you do the work meticulously, the results are inevitable. The image above highlights the process we’ll be using to track our progress and come up with actionable items specifically for you.

I'm going to share with you exactly how I stay lean and healthy year round. We are going on a 4-phase journey, but where the magic happens is at the end of step 4 we evaluate our results and use it as a foundation for our lifestyle going forward.

Each phase builds on the prior phase, so when we get into phase (2), you are going to continue doing the steps from phase (1), and when we get into phase (3) we’ll continue the steps from (1) and (2) etc.

Here is a list of the Phases and I’ll go into great detail each week:

Phase 1: Elimination and preparation

Phase 2: Tracking, food choices and portion control

Phase 3: Supersets and core

Phase 4: Tri sets, core and cardio


Lets get right to business!!!!


Phase 1: Elimination and Preparation

We’ll start with the elimination part because it’s usually the hardest for most people. We all have our favorite habits and foods that may not be best for our health and goals such as alcohol, candies,  and processed foods. But to get one thing we have to give up something else.

So if you want impeccable health and an optimal weight for yourself, you’ll have to give some things up.

Here is a list of everything we have to give up right now for the next four weeks at least and then you can slowly integrate some back.

  • No dairy
  • No added sugar
  • No alcohol
  • No soda
  • No bleached food
  • No pasta
  • No chips

And here are 3 things we must do

  • 3 workouts per week (anything counts, even just walking. We’ll go into more details for training in week 3)
  • At least 4 cups of PLAIN water daily
  • 1 cup of unsweetened green tea daily

For full details on the elimination diet, please click the link below.


And now, let’s talk about the PREPARATION piece!!!


Phase 2 is all about tracking, so we are going to need some tracking devices. Below is a list of everything we need for phase 2, some of which you have already. And for the ones you don’t have, you have all of this week to get them.


1.     Scale (any scale that will accurately tell you your body weight)

2.     Tape measure (something to measure your abdominal area and hips)

3.     Pedometer (any step counter such as fitbit, iwatch or any generic step counter)

4.     Food tracking app (myfitnesspal is the one I use but there are many others in the app store)

5.     Food measurer (measuring cups, portion control bowls etc)

6.     Camera (we all have phones with cameras)

Let’s get all these things ready for next week; they are essential to phase 2. 

Before you begin, you will need my tracking sheet, so If you are not on my mailing list and would like a copy of my tracking sheet, please email me at info@ownpaceathletics.com

Thanks for your continued support, 


Please share with anybody you think this may help!!!