OwnPace Athletics

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COVID-19 Updates

Hi OwnPace Family,

Hope everyone is doing well during these trying times.

I'm sure you are all aware of the current CV-19 epidemic that is spreading throughout the world. There is a lot of misinformation floating around, so I wanted to reiterate certain things to be mindful of but most of all it is important to STAY CALM! Through safe practices, we can stay happy & healthy. It is with great pleasure I inform you that we are staying open during this time and accommodating schedule changes as much as possible.

As you know, we are a small community and only train with maximum of 4 people at the facility at the same time.

Additionally, I’ve taken steps to increase your safety.

• We disinfected every inch of the facility with an industry leading disinfectant and anti bacterial solution.

•We have increased the cleaning schedule.

•We’ve added additional wipes for use before and after use of equipment.

•And we encourage washing your hands upon entry and exit of the facility.

•Also, we have advised all clients with even the slightest symptom to stay home.

I hope this information helps And be on the look out for online programs.
As always thank you for trusting OwnPace with your health and fitness needs.
