OwnPace Athletics

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Am I doing enough???

Hi OwnPace Family (smiles & waves)! I hope this note finds you doing well!. Olan asked if I could share some tips on how to keep your immune system strong, especially since COVID-19 is currently running things! He asked if I could produce something small due to my passion for Holistic health. I am a Specialty Pharmacist and after interacting with many sick patients, I have become passionate about prevention. There are numerous things we can do to support our body’s natural immune response and I wanted to share some things that I feel may be important for you to know during this time. 

1.    Your skin has a pH value of about 5.5, it is not necessary to wear gloves. Wearing gloves actually spreads germs faster due to people touching multiple surfaces and not changing them. Its best explained like this, would you want your doctor to use the same gloves for every patient? Definitely not, it would spread germs way faster. Your skin has the natural ability to fight-off some germs due to its acidic nature. This is why the CDC recommends hand-washing. Gloves allow the germs to stick, whereas your acidic hands kill the germs on contact. The germs that are left will be killed by washing your hands.  

2.    Fear, worry, and stress all reduce the immune system’s ability to fight infections. It is well known that stress can cause your immune system to decrease your body’s lymphocytes (white blood cells) and make you more prone to illness. Watching the news all day can instill a sense of fear. It’s great to be informed, but please don’t let it overwhelm you. Follow the important updates and cut the news off. Stressing about what’s next can decrease your immune response. Do your best to stay positive and practice mindfulness. 

3.    Don’t stop moving! Even though we are quarantined, it is no excuse to become lazy. Exercise reduces stress, anxiety, and naturally boost the body’s immune response. There is no better time to get moving. Take your kids for a run, get some sun and fresh air, use this time to kick your work-out regimen up a notch. If you’ve never tried yoga and/or meditation, now is a great time to tune into your own body. Practice deep breathing and find new ways to move. 

4.    Eat a balanced diet! I know all the quarantine snacks are gone , but let’s try to choose our foods wisely. Since we are home, cooking healthy well-balanced meals should be a priority. Incorporating more leafy greens such as kale and fresh whole fruits like grapefruit will definitely aid your body during this time. I am actually following a plant-based diet and have incorporated morning immunity shots! I’ll list the recipe below!

5.    Practice gratitude! Every morning you wake-up is a gift! Your heart is beating, there is laughter in your belly, you can breathe deeply, and you can feel your surroundings! That my friend is a gift! Take advantage of it!

Always remember nothing can beat a healthy immune system! You are strong, you are brave, and you have everything it takes to make it through this! WE are in this together! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out., my email is nateka.shelton@gmail.com. Happy social distancing!



Ginger shot 

Thumb-sized piece of Ginger cut in half (if powder 2 teaspoons)

1 lemon or Lime 

¼ cup of Warm water 

If you have a juicer, juice the ginger and lemon or lime together mix with warm water and take a shot. If no Juicer, blend everything together and strain with a cheese cloth or stockings. 

Turmeric Shot 

Thumb-size piece of turmeric or if using powder 2 teaspoons

1 Lemon 

¼ teaspoon of black pepper

¼ cup Warm water


If you have a juicer, juice the turmeric and lemon together, then mix with pepper and warm water and take a shot. If no Juicer, blend everything together and strain with a cheese cloth or stockings. 

 Signed with a lot of Love,
