“A Life changing Fitness Experience”
We take an Wholistic approach to Fitness.
Fitness Profiles & Body Diagnostic
Everything starts with your assessment. Assessments are extremely important, because they serve as a baseline of your current health & fitness level and makes tracking your progress more tangible. They also aid in showing things that are unique to you such as muscle imbalances which makes your program truly customized. EVERYTHING IS DONE WITH PURPOSE.
Personal Training
Ownpace Athletics trainers
Personal Training is our pride and joy. There is no greater pleasure than sitting with you, setting your goals and working together to accomplish them. Changing and bettering lives, one session at a time, that is WHY WE TRAIN.
Nutrition Coaching
The focus is nutrient dense food options
Nutrition is one of the major factors in your health, body composition, and performance. What you eat is a good indicator of how you look and feel. Our approach to nutrition is very realistic. We focus on making better food choices. EAT BETTER, NOT LESS!!!
Lifestyle Habits
Sustainable habits
In order to maintain longterm results you must have sustainable habits. We take pride in teaching you how to combine effective training methods with proper nutrition for optimal lifetime results. REVERSE THE AGING PROCESS.