Off Day Training and Workouts via NTC

Off Day Training and Workouts via NTC

I’m currently building an app that will launch this fall and will send you directly your off day trainings on a weekly basis but for now here is what we’ll be using. Most of you train with us 2 - 3 times a week which is sufficient for strength training (I only strength train in the frequency as well). However it is recommended to do at least 30 mins of physical activity daily and a common question is “what should I be doing on my off days?”.

OwnPace Meals

OwnPace Meals


As promised there are some exciting additions coming to OwnPace, We’ll be partnering with some well vetted brands to give you the holistic approach to health and wellness we strive for. First we started with partnering with greenbox kitchen for the juice cleanse. Now, I’m excited to announce we’ll be partnering with a Chef to provide prepped meals. We’ll start with an introductory menu and expand the offerings as we grow the relationship.

Breathing is Essential

Breathing is Essential

Breathing is essential to life! However, would you believe me if I said we often forget to breathe during our workouts? Conscious breathing that is! The simplicity of an inhale through your nose and an audible exhale through your mouth could be the key to unlocking the fitness results you’ve been aiming for.

February 2021: 28 day Ab Challenge

February 2021: 28 day Ab Challenge


Let’c cut to the chase. One areas we all can always work on is the core, so this month we’ll be focusing on a core challenge to help us get a stronger core, reduce inches and the waist line and start getting defined abs.

You can make a surprising amount of progress toward the ever-elusive goal of rock-solid, sculpted abs in just a week, with the right diet and exercise. No, you won't magically build a six-pack in 28 days, but you might see some visible lines and notice your middle's gotten leaner.

Daily Supplement: Apple Cider Vinegar

Daily Supplement: Apple Cider Vinegar


If you have followed me for a whlle now, you know one of my daily rituals is my “morning cocktail” which is a shot or mix of apple cider vinegar and some other ingredients such as lemon juice, cinnamon, turmeric etc. Although those other ingredients have their own benefits, one of the reason I added them was to help with the taste of apple cider vinegar. Also, as most of you have told me, the taste is one of the reasons you don’t take it.

Ownpace February 2021 Challenge

Ownpace February 2021 Challenge

Hi OwnPace Family,

We are one month into the new year, which means by now we know which one of your “new year, new me” resolutions we have been able to keep and which ones we are struggling with. I’ve been a coach for 10 years now and the biggest struggle we all have is still around nutrition and our eating habits, so our first challenge will be centered around nutrition,

We are going to break this down in 3 phases

  1. Awareness

  2. Adjustments

  3. Action plan


Hi OwnPace Family,

Hope everyone is doing ok given the times we are in. As things start to open back up and return to a slightly normal environment, I wanted to make sure I show appreciation to you for keeping OwnPace alive.

Thank you for trusting me to keep you safe during this uncertain time. Without your continued support during the covid 19 lock down, as a small business we would probably have had to shut down Permanently.

So again, I say thank you and I’m humbled by your support.

A couple of other updates,

  • A mini fridge has been added to the gym stocked with water. Other items will also be made available such as natural pre workout shots, gut health shots and green shots at a fee.

  • Post workout protein bars have also been added.

There are many more exciting things coming soon. Again I would like to say a very big thank you. For those who have not returned to the gym, if there is any way I can support you, please don’t hesitate to reach out.