2024 OwnPace Goals

Dear OwnPace Family,

Happy Early New Year! As we reflect on the year that has passed, I am filled with immense gratitude for your support and dedication throughout 2023. It's been an incredible journey, and seeing so many of you achieve and even surpass your fitness and wellness goals has been nothing short of inspiring.

As we embark on another exciting year, I am eager to continue supporting you in your fitness and wellness journey. To help me better tailor our programs and services to your needs, I kindly ask for a few moments of your time to complete our 2024 Goals Questionnaire.

2024 OwnPace Goal Form

This questionnaire is designed to understand your aspirations, preferences, and any new challenges you wish to tackle in the year ahead. Your responses will be invaluable in helping me shape our offerings, ensuring that we provide the most relevant and supportive environment for you to succeed.

Please find the questionnaire linked above, It should only take a few minutes to complete.

We understand everyone's journey is unique, and your feedback is crucial in creating a diverse, inclusive, and motivating experience for all members of the OwnPace Athletics community. Whether you're aiming to set a new personal record, focus on wellness, or try a new athletic discipline, we're here to support you every step of the way.

Thank you in advance for your time and for sharing your goals with us. Together, let's make 2024 a year of remarkable achievements and personal growth!

Warm regards,

The OwnPace Athletics Team