2023: The Year of Accountability

Happy New Year OwnPace Family,

As always, I’m thankful and grateful to have you as part of the OwnPace Community. 2022 was another great year, we grew as a family, hit new PRs, lost pounds of fat, acquired new good habits, got rid of some old not so good habits, ran/biked some miles, got tested mentally, added new skillsets and many more accomplishments throughout the year.

I’m constantly looking for better ways to serve you and improve the value in the services we provide. This year my main focus is Accountability. We all have goals and i’m holding myself accountable for making sure I provide you will all the resources to accomplish them. I’m also going to be holding you accountable to give your best effort and commit to accomplishing your goals.

There are so many amazing things on the horizon this year, and i’m extremely excited to share them with you.

  1. I need you to fill out the attached document HERE and return it to me as soon as possible. Please take some time to think through the goals portion and be as specific as possible. That will be the basis of your training this year and the goals we are working towards.

  2. Our app is in the final stages of development (can’t wait).

  3. Bi Weekly Check ins to make sure we are on track in accomplishing your goals.

  4. 1st session of the year will be a full assessment.

  5. Follow our instagram HERE , a lot of updates and tips will be posted there.

  6. If you haven’t already, please give us a google review as well.

  7. I need your shirt size and favorite color.

Looking forward to a great year and accomplishing these goals as a family,
