OwnPace 30 Day Challenge: The Workouts

A 30-day bodyweight exercise challenge that varies the exercises daily is a great way to keep fitness interesting and comprehensive, targeting different muscle groups and aspects of physical fitness such as strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance. Here's a diverse plan that progressively challenges you while providing ample recovery:

You have the option of adding more rounds and adding weights where applicable.

Day 1: Full Body Activation

  • 10 Push-Ups

  • 15 Squats

  • 20 Leg Raises

  • 10 Burpees

  • 30-second Plank

Day 2: Lower Body & Core Focus

  • 20 Lunges (10 each leg)

  • 15 Glute Bridges

  • 30-second Side Plank (each side)

  • 25 Calf Raises

  • 15 Bicycle Crunches

Day 3: Upper Body & Core Strengthening

  • 15 Diamond Push-Ups

  • 20 Arm Circles (Forward and Backward)

  • 15 Dips (using a chair)

  • 20 Russian Twists

  • 30-second Hollow Hold

Day 4: Flexibility & Balance

  • 10 Yoga Sun Salutations

  • 5-Minute Stretching Routine (focusing on hamstrings, quads, calves, and shoulders)

  • 60-second Wall Sit

  • 15 Single Leg Deadlifts (each leg)

  • 3 x 30-second Tree Pose (alternating legs)

Day 5: Cardio & Agility

  • 5 minutes of Jump Rope (or simulated if no rope)

  • 20 High Knees

  • 20 Butt Kicks

  • 10 Side Lunges (each side)

  • 5 minutes of Dancing to your favorite music

Day 6: Active Recovery

  • 30-minute brisk walk or light jog

  • Full Body Stretching Session

Day 7: Rest Day

Day 8: Plyometrics & Power

  • 10 Tuck Jumps

  • 10 Explosive Push-Ups

  • 15 Squat Jumps

  • 20 Mountain Climbers

  • 10 Burpees

Day 9: Core Intensive

  • 30-second Plank

  • 20 Leg Raises

  • 15 Reverse Crunches

  • 30-second L-Sit (use chairs)

  • 20 Plank Shoulder Taps

Day 10: Upper Body Blast

  • 20 Push-Ups

  • 15 Pike Push-Ups

  • 20 Tricep Dips

  • 30 Arm Scissors

  • 15 Superman Lifts

Day 11: Lower Body Strength

  • 15 Bulgarian Split Squats (each leg)

  • 20 Sumo Squats

  • 30-second Wall Sit

  • 20 Donkey Kicks (each side)

  • 15 Side Leg Raises (each side)

Day 12: Core & Flexibility

  • 20 Standing Knee to Elbow Touches (each side)

  • 15 Plank Hip Dips (each side)

  • 30-second Superman Hold

  • 10 Cat-Cow Stretches

Day 13: Cardio Blast

  • 30 seconds of Jumping Jacks

  • 30 seconds of High Knees

  • 30 seconds of Butt Kicks

  • 30 seconds of Burpees

  • 2 minutes of Shadow Boxing

Day 14: Rest or Gentle Yoga

Day 15: Full Body Endurance

  • 10 Inchworms with Push-Up

  • 20 Alternating Lunges

  • 30 Bicycle Crunches

  • 20 Squat to Toe Touches

  • 5-minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible): 5 Push-Ups, 10 Squats, 15 Jumping Jacks

Day 16: Balance & Stability

  • 10 Single Leg Squats (each leg)

  • 15 Windmill Toe Touches (each side)

  • 20 Hip Bridges with Leg Extension (10 each leg)

  • 3 x 30-second Plank with Arm Lift (alternate arms)

  • 10 Warrior III Pose (each side)

Day 17: Agility & Speed

  • 20 Skater Jumps

  • 10 Forward Lunge with Twist (each side)

  • 30 seconds Mountain Climbers

  • 15 Side Plank Crunches (each side)

  • 5 Shuttle Runs (30 ft distance)

Day 18: Active Recovery

  • 30-minute brisk walk

  • Gentle Stretching focusing on full body

Day 19: Upper Body & Core Challenge

  • 20 Decline Push-Ups (feet elevated)

  • 15 Spiderman Planks (each side)

  • 20 Dips

  • 30-second Side Plank with Rotation (each side)

  • 15 Reverse Snow Angels

Day 20: Lower Body Power

  • 15 Jump Lunges (each side)

  • 20 Goblet Squats (add load if you have)

  • 30 Calf Raises

  • 15 Hamstring Bridges

  • 20 Glute Bridges

Day 21: Rest Day

Day 22: High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

  • 30 seconds of each: Burpees, Air Squats, Push-Ups, Jumping Jacks, Mountain Climbers; rest for 30 seconds between exercises. Repeat 3 rounds.

Day 23: Core Intensive II

  • 30-second Plank Jacks

  • 20 V-Ups

  • 15 Side Plank Thread the Needle (each side)

  • 20 Reverse Crunches

  • 30-second Hollow Body Hold

Day 24: Upper Body Strength

  • 20 Push-Ups

  • 15 Wide Push-Ups

  • 20 Tricep Dips

  • 15 Pike Presses

  • 30-second Chin-Up Hold (use a sturdy door frame or bar if available)

Day 25: Lower Body Endurance II

  • 20 Lunges (each leg)

  • 15 Single-Leg Deadlifts (each leg)

  • 30 Squats

  • 20 Hip Thrusts

  • 30-second Wall Sit (add a second round for more challenge)

Day 26: Full Body Stretch & Balance

  • 10 Yoga Sun Salutations

  • Balance Practice: 5 minutes of various yoga poses focusing on balance (e.g., Tree Pose, Eagle Pose)

Day 27: Cardio & Core

  • 5 minutes Jump Rope or Simulated Jump Rope

  • 20 Standing Oblique Crunches (each side)

  • 20 Flutter Kicks

  • 30-second Mountain Climbers

  • 30-second Plank

Day 28: Active Recovery or Light Jog

Day 29: Full Body HIIT

  • 40 seconds of each: High Knees, Push-Ups, Jump Squats, Plank Ups, Alternating Lunges; rest for 20 seconds between exercises. Repeat 4 rounds.

Day 30: Challenge Day

  • 30 Push-Ups

  • 40 Squats

  • 50 Sit-Ups

  • 60-second Plank

  • 70 Jumping Jacks