OwnPace Meals



As promised there are some exciting additions coming to OwnPace, We’ll be partnering with some well vetted brands to give you the holistic approach to health and wellness we strive for. First we started with partnering with greenbox kitchen for the juice cleanse. Now, I’m excited to announce we’ll be partnering with a Chef to provide prepped meals. We’ll start with an introductory menu and expand the offerings as we grow the relationship.

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Why did we establish this partnership? As a trainer for over 10 years, the biggest hurdle for most people still revolves around nutrition. If just this past week and the number 1 question I still get is “what should I be eating”. Over the years, i’ve sent information in a variety of ways regarding nutrition but it never seems to last long. So I’ve taken matters into my own hands and gotten a chef to create the meals for you with premium ingredients, portion controlled and the right balance of macros.

I’m extremely excited about this addition because it eliminates one of our biggest problems which is nutrition. The introductory menu will be available in the next week and we’ll start taking orders Saturday June 12th.

A brief bio on Chef O’Dwyer

“My passion for cooking began at an early age. My mom was a single mom of 3 who had to work hard to make sure we had everything we needed. To make the routine work, she would have prepared meals and partially prepared meals ready for us to heat up. I developed a passion for adding extra items to my dish so my siblings would stare at my plate. I always believed that the strength of a good dish was in the bold flavors layered in note by note till they all fell into perfect harmony. When I am satisfied with the outcome of my dishes, I would keep going back for more till the entire pot is empty. I knew I had to change what I cooked if I had any chance of having a waistline. My goal was to find the right type of food that I could prepare with the same great taste. I tried a bunch if things that didn't work...but for every 10 things that don't work, you find 1 that does. I have perfected the preparation of the items that made the cut. I am opening my vault to invite you into the experience”

Until next time,
