Hi OwnPace Family,

Hope everyone is doing ok given the times we are in. As things start to open back up and return to a slightly normal environment, I wanted to make sure I show appreciation to you for keeping OwnPace alive.

Thank you for trusting me to keep you safe during this uncertain time. Without your continued support during the covid 19 lock down, as a small business we would probably have had to shut down Permanently.

So again, I say thank you and I’m humbled by your support.

A couple of other updates,

  • A mini fridge has been added to the gym stocked with water. Other items will also be made available such as natural pre workout shots, gut health shots and green shots at a fee.

  • Post workout protein bars have also been added.

There are many more exciting things coming soon. Again I would like to say a very big thank you. For those who have not returned to the gym, if there is any way I can support you, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
