OwnPace Athletics

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Transform NOW!!! More reasons to find your WHY.

Hi OwnPace Family, 

Hope everyone is having a great week so far. This past Sunday I sent you a message on why it's important to find your reason WHY for training. And just like the universe will have it, as I was doing my nightly study for today I stumbled upon a video that goes even further on how important it is. 

Let's face it, most of us get to the point where we seek having a trainer or even just start working out because we want to make some type of NOTICEABLE change to our physical appearance. In today's fitness world, we call this process a transformation. We want to go from our current selves to an even better version of ourselves that we envision. 

As someone who has gone through several transformations, from skinny Nigerian kid to athletic and from post college chubby to muscular, I know first hand what it takes to make such drastic changes and I've never hidden the fact that it's not easy. I can't even sugar coat the process if i wanted to, the bottom line is, there is no special workout, no special diet, no magic pill, all it takes is a commitment to the process and the sacrifices it requires. This is exactly why it's very important to clearly define your why because on the difficult days when you want to quit, thats what will keep you going. 

Check out this video below I hope it helps someone kick their journey into even higher gear.

Until next time, 
