Train the Mind Ep 1: Mindset & Motivation

Hi OwnPace Family,

Here is our first installment of TRAIN THE MIND.

Mindset & Motivation

We hear the word mindset a lot but what does it even mean? To me mindset simply means, how I think about things. At OwnPace one thing I want to encourage is having a growth mindset vs a fixed mindset. Having a growth mindset means believing in your ability and possibility to learn, change and improve. whereas with a fixed mindset we tend to think of our beliefs as locked or unchangeable.


There is proof from research and personal experience that shows that a growth mind can lead to more resilience and success especially during challenging times. One way that I always practice a growth mindset is by focusing on the process and journey not so much the result.

In life things happen that take us off track, don’t dwell on that just keep focusing on the process and the next step because all you can do is be present and work towards the future while using lessons from the past.