OwnPace Athletics

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Train the Body Ep 1 : Addition & Subraction

Hi OwnPace Family,

This first episode of train the body will focus solely on Nutrition because that’s one area I get the most questions and there appears to be the most confusion. Nutrition is without a doubt the biggest part of health and fitness which is why I like to keep it simple so it’s easy to adhere to.

In this first stage we are going to do something very fundamental that everyone can follow which is addition of nutrients and subtraction of sugar.


Adding nutrients is simply adding real whole food items into your day such as greens (spinach, kale etc), seeds (chia seeds, flax seeds etc), or any fresh fruit or vegetable with any meal.

For Subtracting sugar, I want you to think of all the ways you take in refined sugar in a day and just swap out or eliminate one. For example, if you drink a sugary beverage try replacing it with water which automatically shaves off a few calories.

The goal is to make a small daily commitment and sticking to it. Any thing you add or subtract daily is a win, and when you start to win everyday, that turns into a habit.