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Let's Reset with a Juice Cleanse!!!

We’ve partnered with Green Box Kitchen located on North Market Street in Wilmington, DE to bring April’s juice cleanse to Own Pace Clients! A juice cleanse is an awesome way to detox but the most rewarding piece is what you discover during your detoxing journey. There will be moments that will test you emotionally, physically and mentally. If you’re up for the challenge after reading the pre-cleanse information, please send in your orders to me, I’ll be doing a bulk order for OwnPace and the plan is to start the 1st week of April. The good folks at green box have given us a special discounted price of $99.

Juice Cleanse Testimony!


As always before I suggest anything to the OwnPace Family, i always make sure I try it myself and this was no different. I did the juice cleanse the first week of march and I’ve used these past 3 weeks to evaluate it effectiveness. After the 3rd day of the juice cleanse, I lost 9lbs and I’m happy to say, I’ve kept it off.

Why did I do the Juice, cleanse? Honestly, I just needed some external motivation, something to get me excited and jump start my focus. If you follow me on instagram, you would have noticed after the juice cleanse, I’ve been back active with a training focus. If you need a jump start like me, I highly recommend this cleanse.-Olan

Before Your Juice Cleanse

A juice cleanse is not only about detoxing, it’s also about the journey. You’ve taken the first step of this adventure by committing to a Juice cleanse, but what’s next? First, evaluate your eating habits and establish an appropriate pre-cleanse diet length. This will prepare your body to fight against negative detox symptoms that include lack of energy, headaches, aches, irritation, anxiety, and diarrhea, among others. Simply put, plan ahead and reap all the benefits.

How To Prepare Your Body

We recommend a 1-2 day transitional period to avoid potential negative detox symptoms. Cut down on the junk and switch to salads for lunch and fruits for dessert. Planning your meals in advance and incorporating as many fruits and veggies as possible. Eliminate processed foods and alcohol you consumed over the weekend. Choose a side salad instead of french fries and go for a glass of water instead of a mimosa.

Do your best to stay away from

Animal Products, Including bacon, red meats, jerky, sausages, etc.
Refined sugar, Including corn syrup, white, and powdered sugars
Keep coffee intake to a minimum and eliminate all sodas
Processed foods
Any boxed, canned, and bagged foods containing artificial flavoring, preservatives, and additives are considered processed

During Your Juice Cleanse

Now that your juices have arrived, it’s time to put your body and mind to the test. You will start out with drinking “Incredible Hulk” on day 1, “Sunrise” on day 2 and “Sweet Beets” on day 3. Below, we answer a few questions you may have during your cleanse.

When should I drink my juices?

The order of the cleanse is set to help you function easily throughout the day. Each day you will drink a different cold pressed juice. Start your wake up with 16 ounces of purified or spring water. This will wake up your body gently and help flush any undigested food from the day before. When you get into the habit of doing this you'll usually have a bowel movement right after. Next you will wait about 45 minutes to one hour before you consume your first bottle of cold pressed juice. You will follow this routine for the entire day. Consuming a total of six bottled cold pressed juices each day.

I’m not feeling so good, why?

You may have fallen victim to the nasty detox symptoms we mentioned earlier. These side effects include a decrease in energy, potential mood swings, and aches, among other things. Your body is working very hard to release the toxins built up inside. Not to mention, you’re drinking a lot of fruits and veggies 6 times a day (something your body may not be used to). So don’t panic if you start to feel any of these. The severity of the symptoms all depends on the amount of toxins inside your body. But don’t forget that everyone's body reacts differently and you may or may not feel any of these symptoms during your cleanse. Getting enough sleep can help. If you suffer from insomnia or just have trouble getting to sleep, yoga and meditation can also help. Don’t forget to drink WATER! Water helps flush out the toxins faster and will get you back on track to feeling amazing.

Listen to your body!

If your body is not responding well to the cleanse, add some light fresh fruit to balance out the juices. Be attuned to your body, only do what you can handle.

Can I eat anything during my cleanse?

Although food is not allowed during the cleanse, an exception is made for a handful of raw nuts or 1 serving of fresh fruit a day (any kind you like).

What about coffee, can I drink it?

Worried about caffeine withdrawals during your cleanse? It’s hard to break a coffee kick, we get it. So coffee lovers can rest easy: drinking small amounts of black coffee is okay! And of course, water!

I’m not hungry but I just need to chew something, anything!

Stop for a moment and check in with yourself. Are you actually hungry or just craving the chewing sensation? If you’re craving the chewing sensation, try to forget about it! You can do this! Occupy yourself as much as possible—drink water, start that new book on your desk, take a long walk—and surely enough, you’ll forget. If your body is begging for food, check out the snacks mentioned above.

Can I exercise during the cleanse?

We do not recommend rigorous exercise during the cleanse because it is too much on the body. Try gentle exercise such as stretching and yoga to relax your body and mind.

After Your Juice Cleanse

Time flies when you’re having fun juicing! Take a moment to congratulate yourself on a job well done! After you've rebuilt, reclaimed and re-activated your health, the final stage of the journey is the transition back to your normal life and diet.

Take It Slow

As much as you may want to dig into a steak and red wine the first day back, remember to not overload your organs and body during this transition. This will undo all the internal balance you have earned. Because your body has not processed these foods in a while, it may cause negative side effects. So don’t rush back into your habitual life and foods— they’re not going anywhere. Respect your body and the hard cleansing work it has done for you.

Foods you should avoid include: alcohol, dairy, red meat, fried and/or processed foods. Transition Into a Healthy Lifestyle!

Incorporate habits from your pre-cleanse to continue supporting your health— wean off the hit list, eat more fruits and vegetables, drink lots of water, and keep juicing. Drinking cold pressed juices daily will really support your journey to awesome health!

Monitor Yourself

For those suffering from food allergens or sensitivities, this is the perfect opportunity for you to keep track and target what may be hurting you. This includes sensitivities to wheat, dairy, nuts, soy, etc. To identify whether any of these are triggers, systematically add them back into your diet one at a time. By doing so, you can accurately pinpoint the allergen. For example, if you reintroduce dairy into your diet and feel symptoms such as cramping, headaches, or diarrhea, you may be sensitive to dairy products.


Regular detoxification is a great way to maintain your health. Cleansing removes toxicity, layers at a time. The more you cleanse, the deeper it taps and addresses different areas of the body. After the 3-day cleanse, we recommend repeating the cleanse every couple of months.


A big part of feeling healthy is being HAPPY! Enjoy the journey and always do the best that you can do. There is no RIGHT or WRONG way to getting there. Choose the path that feels the best for you and move with integrity, compassion, love, and self acceptance. 

If you’d like to partake on this journey please visit Green Box Kitchen for pricing and contact your Own Pace Trainer to Pre-Order!