OwnPace Transformation Challenge 2017



The #1 rule to this challenge is, there is no magic or shortcuts. You have to do the work, make better choices, make sacrifices and be accountable.

The #2 rule is, be honest with yourself. Only you know if you are giving 100% to the workouts and what you are fueling your body with.

The #3 rules is BELIEVE.  You have to believe in yourself that you can truly transform your health and body. Then you have to trust the process and I’ll take care of the rest.

Before we go into the program, I have a few favors to ask you

·      Take photos of your current status (Front, side and back view) so we can track your progress

·      Please share this with as many people as you can, as my goal is to change as many lives as possible, that is why this is FREE!!!

·      Ask as many questions as you can throughout the process

Week 1 and 2: The Foundation

First things first, no amount of training you do will matter if you don’t take care of your nutrition. Notice I didn’t say diet. However, I’m not a big fan of very strict diets because, one, they are not sustainable and two, most people gain the weight right back when they get off the diet.

So we are going to keep it really simple for the first two weeks and build on this.

For the next 12 weeks and beyond, this is a very simple nutritional practice to follow to ensure you are not hindering your results.

1.     3 Balanced meals a day + snacks if needed.

a.     A balanced meal should contain carbs (fruits and vegetables included), protein and healthy fats

A simple example will be something like this

  •  Upon Waking: Lukewarm lemon water with apple cider vinegar
  • Breakfast: Eggs, Green drink, side of fruit
  • Lunch: Chicken, rice, veggies
  • Snack: Protein shake or protein bar, apple, green drink
  • Dinner: Your choice of protein + your choice of carbs + your choice of veggies

2.     Eat earth-grown nutrients and stay away from processed foods as much as possible.

3.     Reduce or preferably eliminate alcohol intake

Now for the workout, we are going to start with just body weight exercises in these first two weeks to give you time to get acclimated.

3 days of total body exercises and 1 day cardio

Warm up:

·      Jog in place, Jumping jacks and jump squats

o   2 rounds 30 seconds each

o   Increase effort each round


·      Worlds greatest stretch

·      2 rounds each side

·      Hold each position for 5 seconds

Workout. 2-3 days a week

  • Body weight squats 25
  • Push Ups 20
  • Superman 15
  • Pull ups 10 (optional)
  • Reverse Lunges 10 each leg
  • Walkouts 8
  • Burpees 6
  • Wall sits 30 secs
  • Glute bridge 30 secs
  • Side plank 30sec each side
  • Plank walks 30 secs
  • Repeat for 3 – 6 rounds
  • 1 minute break after each round
  • For your cardio check out OwnPace June Run Challenge below.


Let me know how you are doing and if you have any questions,
