March 2023 Challenge - 100 Kettlebell Swings daily

Hi OwnPace Family,

I can’t believe we are already 2 months into the year and at the end of the first quarter. As we go into this last month of Q1, its time to finish this training block strong with a tough but necessary challenge as it prepares us for our spring training block.

For the month of March, we’ll be performing 100 kettlebell swings a day. 3,100 kettlebells swings for the month is the goal. If you miss a day, add it onto the next day, or spread it over a couple of days. Before you start this challenge, I would like you to weigh yourself and take before photos because if you truly complete this challenge it will transform you.`

Why the kettlebell swing? The kettlebell swing is a full body movement that covers all of the adaptations we train for. One amazing move to burn fat, build muscle, and get fit. It promotes healthy fat loss, increases strength and power, improves heart health and conditioning, strengthens your core and aids with posture. This exercise is a high intensity yet low impact workout that can burn a ton of calories in a short period of time, making them convenient for anyone with a busy schedule; which is why we can do them everyday. This quick, one move workout takes less than 7 minutes, challenges every major muscle group in your body, tones your core, and improves cardiovascular and spine health while increasing energy levels along the way. All of these benefits can be achieved in your own home with less than ~$50 of equipment

100 kettlebell swings a day is excellent because it is an achievable start for beginners as a complete workout. It also makes a perfect finisher or off day workout for more advanced athletes.

If you do not have kettlebells, you can also use dumbbells and if you don’t have dumbbells you can do jump squats.

Recommended KB Weight

Beginner 35lbs, Intermediate 50lbs, advanced 60+ lbs. (use a weight that challenges you to complete all 100, that’s my best advice.

Until next time,
