Healthy Eating for the Holiday Season: Fueling Your Fitness Journey with Smart Eating

Hi OwnPace Family,

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and, let's be honest, indulgence. With all the delicious treats and festive feasts, it can be a challenge to stay on track with your fitness and nutrition goals. But fear not, OwnPace Athletics clients! We've got you covered with a guide on how to eat smart during the holidays, complete with sample meal ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

Breakfast: Starting your day with a nutritious breakfast is crucial. Try these holiday-inspired options:

  1. Holiday Oatmeal:

    • Cook rolled oats with almond milk and add cinnamon, nutmeg, and a touch of honey.

    • Top with chopped apples, raisins, and a sprinkle of chopped walnuts.

  2. Festive Smoothie:

    • Blend spinach, frozen berries, Greek yogurt, and a dash of honey.

    • Add a scoop of protein powder for that extra boost.

Lunch: Don't let the holiday parties throw your lunch routine off course. Keep it balanced with these ideas:

  1. Turkey and Cranberry Wrap:

    • Use whole-grain wrap filled with lean turkey, cranberry sauce, and a handful of mixed greens.

  2. Roasted Winter Vegetable Salad:

    • Roast a mix of winter vegetables like sweet potatoes, brussels sprouts, and beets.

    • Toss with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and some feta cheese.

Dinner: Dinner during the holiday season can be a time for more indulgent dishes, but you can still make healthier choices:

  1. Baked Salmon:

    • Season a salmon fillet with dill, lemon juice, and garlic.

    • Serve with quinoa and steamed asparagus.

  2. Stuffed Acorn Squash:

    • Halve an acorn squash and roast it.

    • Fill with a mixture of quinoa, cranberries, and pecans.

Snacks: Snacking is inevitable during the holidays, but there are healthier alternatives to consider:

  1. Veggie Platter:

    • Serve a colorful array of sliced bell peppers, cucumbers, and cherry tomatoes with hummus.

  2. Nut Mix:

    • Create a nut mix with almonds, walnuts, and a hint of dark chocolate for a satisfying treat.

Remember, moderation is key during the holiday season. It's okay to enjoy your favorite holiday treats, but be mindful of portion sizes and balance them with nutritious options. Additionally, stay hydrated, get enough sleep, and keep up with your regular exercise routine. OwnPace Athletics is here to support you on your fitness journey throughout the holidays and beyond.

Eating well during the holiday season doesn't mean depriving yourself of delicious food. By making smart choices and incorporating nutritious options into your meals and snacks, you can enjoy the festivities while staying on track with your fitness goals. Remember, the holiday season is about balance, and OwnPace is here to help you maintain that balance while working towards a healthier you. Happy holidays!
