Transformation Challenge week 5: How to lose up to 10lbs in 3 days

Hi OwnPace Family,

Hope you have enjoyed and found value in the first 4 weeks of the transformation challenge.

Now, welcome to week 5 of your transformation, we are about to kick things into higher gear. This is where you find out if you are willing to actually do what it takes to lose fat and transform your body for the better. This is a very important phase of the program because nothing else works if we don’t understand and apply this principle.

Remember in week one when I said there is no magic, well lets really look at what it takes to lose weight and this is not a secret either, everyone knows it.

To lose weight, you have to be in a state of sustained caloric deficit. And yes, physical activity such as working out plays its role, but when it comes to weight loss, nothing happens if you are not in a sustained caloric deficit. That is why a lot of people get frustrated when trying to lose weight. I hear it all the time, “I eat pretty good”, “I workout 3-4 times a week” but I’m not losing any weight. The answer is very simple, you are not in a caloric deficit so you will not be losing any weight.

Ok ok, what is a caloric deficit? It simply means to lose weight you have to eat fewer calories than you burn each day. And if you are not in this state for a sustained period of time, meaning not just one day, you will not be losing any weight, even if you workout everyday.

To lose weight initially, the emphasis has to be on reducing caloric intake rather than increasing physical activity. That’s why with my clients that train with me 2 – 3 days a week is all we need.

So now, how do we get into a state of sustained caloric deficit? We need a structured eating plan to make sure you consume fewer calories than you burn.

The first path we are going to take is a pretty hard one that will definitely put anybody in a caloric deficit and then in the following weeks we’ll scale it back.

Please keep an eye out for the next post for details; it should be up by tomorrow morning.

Transformation Challenge 2017 Weeks 3+4


Welcome back OwnPace Family!

If you are reading this, it most likely means that you have completed the first two weeks of the challenge and you should be extremely proud of yourself for that! If you have not started the Transformation challenge it is never to late to start!

The first few weeks will definitely be tough, but like my partner Olan stated in the last blog post, just trust the process and the results will come.

·      Reminder! Please share this with as many people as you can, as our goal is to change as many lives as possible. This is why we are providing this for FREE!!

·      If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask. Olan and I try to respond to all inquiries within a 24-hour turn around.

Week 3 and 4: Hydration and Recovery

 Today I am going to cover two very important topics.

First, I will go over hydration.

The adult human body is made up of about 60% water, therefore it is very important to stay hydrated throughout the day. The amount of water you should consume varies and is dependant on many variables, but generally an adult male needs about 3 liters per day and an adult female needs about 2.2 liters per day. Now, we must remember, some of this water is absorbed through food and other beverages we consume daily.

Some of the benefits of drinking water include, but are not limited to:

1.     Forming saliva

2.     Regulating body temperature through sweat and respiration

3.     Flushing body waste, mainly urine

4.     Helping keep energy levels high

5.     Lubricating joints

6.     Helping deliver oxygen all over the body

Remember to drink water throughout the day. Some people rely on sports drinks for hydration especially after a workout, but the problem is that they tend to have a lot of unnecessary sugar. Instead, you can add fruit to your water for some natural flavoring and added electrolytes. 

The second topic I will cover is recovery. 

Recovery is very important to hitting your fitness goals whether that’s to lose weight or put on muscle mass. Studies show that about 40% of Americans get six hours of sleep or fewer per night, which is not good. According to experts we should be getting about 7-8 hours of sleep in order for our bodies to operate with optimum performance.

A few key benefits of getting sufficient sleep every night are that it:

·      Stops late-night snacking

·      Helps burn more calories

·      Boosts fat Loss

·      Keeps brain focused

·      Repairs muscle and other tissue (for those looking to increase muscle mass)

Some tips and tricks for a better night’s sleep are:

·      Shut down all electronics an hour before you go to bed

·      Meditate or read before going to bed

·      Wake up and go to bed at the same time everyday, even on weekends

·      Avoid eating heavy meals or alcohol close to bedtime

When you get enough sleep every night, you are going to think clearly, feel energized, and have a better day. Since you will be more energized, going to the gym will not be as big as of a challenge. You will also be less fatigued as your complete your workouts.

Speaking of workouts, time to take it to the next level. If you have completed the first two weeks of workouts, your body should be conditioned and acclimated, so we will introduce a few tools to make our workouts a bit more challenging.

3 days of total body exercises and 1 day of cardio

Use the warm up and stretch below before completing each workout.

Warm up:

·      Jog in place, Jumping jacks and jump squats

·      2 rounds 30 seconds each

·      Increase effort each round


·      Worlds greatest stretch

·      2 rounds each side

·      Hold each position for 5 seconds 

Day 1 Full Body

·      Weighted overhead ball slams or Burpees (if you do not have access to medicine ball)

·      Bent over row with dumbbells

·      Squat to overhead press with dumbbells

·      Kettle bell swing

·      Lunge to curl

·      Lateral raise balancing on one leg

·      Mountain climbers

·      Plank

·      Repeat for 3-4 rounds

·      Do each exercise for 30 seconds with 1 minute break after each round

Day 2 Upper Body

·      Dumbbell chest press or push ups

·      Renegade row

·      Arnold press

·      Superset-tricep dips with dumbbell bicep curls

Ab Superset

·      Crunches

·      Russian twist

·      Leg lifts

·      Repeat for 3-4 rounds

·      Do 12-15 reps of each exercise with 1 minute rest after each round

Day 3 Lower Body


·      Goblet Squat/Straight leg deadlift


·      Walking lunges/Step ups with dumbbells

·      Weighted glute bridge

·      Plank

·      Side Planks

·      Do 3 sets of 12-15 reps of each exercise. Superset implies to do exercise one after another. Hold Planks for 30 seconds each.

Day 4 Cardio

For your cardio check out OwnPace June Run Challenge below.

Let us know how you are doing and if you have any questions.


OwnPace Transformation Challenge 2017



The #1 rule to this challenge is, there is no magic or shortcuts. You have to do the work, make better choices, make sacrifices and be accountable.

The #2 rule is, be honest with yourself. Only you know if you are giving 100% to the workouts and what you are fueling your body with.

The #3 rules is BELIEVE.  You have to believe in yourself that you can truly transform your health and body. Then you have to trust the process and I’ll take care of the rest.

Before we go into the program, I have a few favors to ask you

·      Take photos of your current status (Front, side and back view) so we can track your progress

·      Please share this with as many people as you can, as my goal is to change as many lives as possible, that is why this is FREE!!!

·      Ask as many questions as you can throughout the process

Week 1 and 2: The Foundation

First things first, no amount of training you do will matter if you don’t take care of your nutrition. Notice I didn’t say diet. However, I’m not a big fan of very strict diets because, one, they are not sustainable and two, most people gain the weight right back when they get off the diet.

So we are going to keep it really simple for the first two weeks and build on this.

For the next 12 weeks and beyond, this is a very simple nutritional practice to follow to ensure you are not hindering your results.

1.     3 Balanced meals a day + snacks if needed.

a.     A balanced meal should contain carbs (fruits and vegetables included), protein and healthy fats

A simple example will be something like this

  •  Upon Waking: Lukewarm lemon water with apple cider vinegar
  • Breakfast: Eggs, Green drink, side of fruit
  • Lunch: Chicken, rice, veggies
  • Snack: Protein shake or protein bar, apple, green drink
  • Dinner: Your choice of protein + your choice of carbs + your choice of veggies

2.     Eat earth-grown nutrients and stay away from processed foods as much as possible.

3.     Reduce or preferably eliminate alcohol intake

Now for the workout, we are going to start with just body weight exercises in these first two weeks to give you time to get acclimated.

3 days of total body exercises and 1 day cardio

Warm up:

·      Jog in place, Jumping jacks and jump squats

o   2 rounds 30 seconds each

o   Increase effort each round


·      Worlds greatest stretch

·      2 rounds each side

·      Hold each position for 5 seconds

Workout. 2-3 days a week

  • Body weight squats 25
  • Push Ups 20
  • Superman 15
  • Pull ups 10 (optional)
  • Reverse Lunges 10 each leg
  • Walkouts 8
  • Burpees 6
  • Wall sits 30 secs
  • Glute bridge 30 secs
  • Side plank 30sec each side
  • Plank walks 30 secs
  • Repeat for 3 – 6 rounds
  • 1 minute break after each round
  • For your cardio check out OwnPace June Run Challenge below.

Let me know how you are doing and if you have any questions,


OwnPace Transformation Challenge 2017 pt 1

Transformation Challenge 2017


At OwnPace, we have come up with a process to show you exactly how we design our programs and how we guarantee your results.

Starting June 5th @fitbymarcos and I will be going on a 12 week program creation process (aka transformation) to take ourselves into even greater levels of health & fitness.

As you can see we both have different goals. I will be focused primarily on dropping body fat and Marcos will be focused on putting on some more muscle mass. 

We will be documenting every aspect of the process over the next 12 weeks from nutrition, to training methodology, to sleep, to alcohol consumption and whatever else affects the process. 

What's in it for you?

The documentation & results of the process will be OwnPace Athletics's (2) new programs. One for Fat Loss and one for Muscle gain. 

Excited about putting this together for you guys. The beauty in this is you get to see the program work first hand before you try it. 

Stay tuned

OwnPace 2017 Run Challenge


Join OwnPace Athletics for a more movement challenge. 

The main objective is just to move a little more than you normally would. Add a couple more steps to your daily routine. 

Even though it's called a "run challenge" you can just walk or jog. 

So for the month of June:

Level 1: 30 miles (approximately 1mile a day)

Level 2: 45 miles (approximately 1.5miles a day)

Level 3: 60 miles (approximately 2 miles a day)

To participate, just add us on the "nike run club" app and keep track of where you are on the leader board.

Use: Olan OwnPace or to add me on the app.

Consistency & Sacrifices

Hey there, 

Hope everyone is having a great Memorial Day weekend. I just wanted to share a quick message with you.

As you all know, when it comes to your training and nutrition, at ownpace we take mostly an 80/20 approach (for good reason) and sometimes we can go 90/10 or even 100/0 when we need to. When you think LONGEVITY and SUSTAIABILITY, it helps you paint a better picture of how you should approach your training and eating, i.e. one missed workout is not cause for alarm. However, on the flip side, when you have short term goals, every detail becomes that much more important.

Simply put, the quicker and more transformative you want your results the more sacrifices you have to make especially with your nutrition. For example, if you want to lose body fat, Alcohol, sodas, sugary and processed foods cannot be a part of that equation.


Remember that your body is not a reflection of what you do some of the time. It’s a reflection of what you do MOST of the time. Be consistent and watch your body and performance transform.

Until next time, 

Olan Adeyemi